PressPause p.s.46.10 is a pilot model of ministry of Stonecroft Ministry based in Kansas City, Mo.
(Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God.")

PressPause p.s. 46.10 exists to invite people that are gathered at their work place, gym, school, park, etc. to STOP and consider the person of Jesus Christ.

PressPause p.s.46.10 organizes events that are free to those attending so that they might be encouraged and transformed by hearing the true tale of a professional Stonecroft storyteller.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

PressPause p.s.40.10 Presents Human Trafficking

PressPause p.s.40.10 held an informal discussion on the topic of Human Trafficking September 26, 2011.   The Broken Arrow, OK  IBC Bank graciously offered the use of their community room for the gathering.  PressPause Chair, Sharon Braner gave a PowerPoint presentation with the help of Janet Renfro, new PressPause Board member. 
Fifteen women gathered (two of whom were new to Stonecroft) to hear the details of the fastest growing  crime that is enslaving hundreds of thousands of men, women and children annually.  Emotions surfaced as the statistics of many folks and the personal stories of a few women trapped in this modern day slavery were revealed. The group discussed child pornography, prostitution, teen Internet use, etc, and opportunities to reach out to people involved. 

Jesus was presented as the source of freedom from the slavery to sin and guilt, and the power to live righteously.  Those held against their will, the perpetrators of this crime, as well as we ourselves, are offered new life in Him.

The ladies left with a list of "how can I help,"  opened eyes, and a prayer for direction.

We agreed that it is painful but critical for us to  look beyond ourselves to see others that desperately need Jesus.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy Birthday - Tulsa OK PressPause p.s.46.10

On September 1, 2011  Tulsa OK PressPause p.s.46.10 will be ONE year old!  My, how time flies! It was one year ago that the Broken Arrow CWC birthed this baby.  Several committee members gathered on that day at the home of Joan Beavers for a baby shower/announcement/birth! It was a delightful experience and we all felt the nervous jitters new parents and grandparents often encounter. No one knew where this baby was heading, how she would grow and mature or where she would end up! Yesterday PressPause celebrated their one year anniversary with the Tulsa #2 group as they reminisced about many, many years of ministry and gathered for their last meeting  under that name.  Birthday cupcakes, balloons and party favors were shared with the ladies of all four Tulsa Stonecroft groups that attended the meeting  at the Indian Springs Country Club of Broken Arrow.  It seemed so appropriate to honor those fabulous women of past years of  Stonecroft ministry  and  celebrate this new baby at the same time.  

We've checked the baby's pluse and vital signs and are happy to report that she is up and walking!  During the past 12 months PressPause has been invited to TEN different businesses, homes,  country clubs, a school,  a retirement community, a bookstore, etc. and served over 270 people with 200 of those folks attending a Stonecroft event for the first time.  "Too many to count" copies of the Gospel of John printed in partnership through  the Pocket Testament League and Stonecroft were voluntarily picked up.  Hearts were softened as the Gospel of Jesus Christ was presented every time.  Several different Stonecroft speakers volunteered their time, voice and details of their lives.  What a great year this has been!

The PressPause calendar is filling up for this next year and we couldn't be happier about it.  New venues and partnerships are being explored.

Recently several CWC committee members have inquired about the popular topic of Human Trafficking wondering if it is appropriate for the traditional CWC meetings, so we've organized a free event for anyone that would like to preview this PowerPoint presentation in a smaller setting. (Men can come too.) If you're in the area and interested, you're welcome to PressPause from your busy life and consider how the person of Jesus Christ offers freedom for all of us....freedom from the slavery  and power of sin.  


Friday, August 12, 2011


PressPause p.s.46 took a road trip!  We (Chairman Sharon Braner and Financial Coordinator Laura Francis)  packed up our luggage, a computer, projector, screen, and cords of every kind imaginable and drove to Mansfield, TX August 10-11, 2011.  After consulting maps, two or three GPS devices, and a couple of phone calls to husbands we arrived intact.

The purpose of the trip was to present a PowerPoint Presentation on Human Trafficking to those lovely women of the Mansfield CWC.  Much more transpired!

After introductions and hugs, their lovely team informed us that this luncheon was their last.  Their club was ending their traditional monthly gatherings in that very upscale country club.  Attendance continued to slide, and finding people to fill the leadership roles were almost impossible.  Just telling the story brought tears to their eyes, they did not expect their efforts to end in this way.  THEN, they shared that they were continuing their Stonecroft Bible Studies, TEN in the area.  Over one hundred ladies from various neighborhoods were faithfully attending Bible Studies they had organized and were leading, not interested in the luncheons but VERY interested in the Word of God.  WOW!  We were so encouraged by their zeal and love for Stonecroft's mission of evangelism.

Now they plan to gather to PRAY and to seek new ways of meeting people in their community with the love of Jesus.  We were able to share with them how we had been taking Stonecroft speakers INTO the marketplace where people were already gathered, rather than inviting them to come to us.  The conversation got very exciting.  We prayed together, shared ideas and made promises to keep in touch and perhaps get together again for some brain storming and encouragement.  New friends for eternity!!!

Oh, yes, Human Trafficking was also shared.  After the pictures and shocking statistics, stories poured out of personal experiences of exploitation and  real fears for wayward children and grandchildren. Promises were made to speak up if (or when) abuse of women or children is identified. The motivated ladies vowed to keep their eyes and ears open, to closely monitor computers  in their own home, to give their daughters and granddaughters the teen-age quiz to start conversations about dating relationships,  and to talk to their husbands, sons and grandsons about the commonplace violence and disrespect toward women everywhere.

We came home confidant that those TX women are on the move.  This was not an ending for them but a brand new beginning that will take them places they never dreamed they would be.   They're moving on with a smile on their face and a zeal for the solution for all slavery from sin and bondage, the person of Jesus Christ.

Once again, we went to be a blessing and received a bigger one instead.  Isn't that the way it always works?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

PressPause Goes to the Country

PressPause p.s.46.10 traveled to the Broken Arrow, OK country home of Andy and Shelly Franks July 18, 2011.  Shelly and her mother Mrs. Barbara Simmons invited friends and relatives to join them for an informational meeting concerning the very serious national business of Human Trafficking.  These gracious ladies offered simple snacks and a cool place to gather on a hot July evening.

Thirty-four moms, dads, grandparents and teens sat attentively in the Franks living room as PressPause Chair Sharon Braner and Financial Chair Laura Francis presented the PowerPoint Presentation on  modern day slavery and exploitation of women and children.  This was a first-time Stonecroft event for thirty of those folks.

Following the riveting pictures and statistics there was  a lively Q&A time and opportunities for one-on-one conversation.  Tips on how to identify women and children in distress were discussed, as well as the need for believers to engage in God's plan of freedom from sin and slavery.  Hand-outs to spark conversation and involvement included suggestions for personal action and a quiz for teen-age girls and their moms. Ten copies of the Gospel of John were distributed.

A simple invitation to meet friends and family on a summer evening with eternal results.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Michelle Miller & Sherry Williams

PressPause was invited back to Town Village, a retirement home in Tulsa, OK today, May 31, 2011.  Activities director Robyn Thompson and Michelle Miller graciously invited the residents there for the afternoon gathering.

Stonecroft speaker Sherry Williams of Tulsa brought her many antique hats and gave a delightful presentation of  "Hats Through the Decades."  She shared funny stories of the styles that reigned during the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's!  Memories were rampant as we all participated in guessing  the names of the "style setters" of each period.   Following her demonstration Sherry shared her personal story of an early marriage, divorce, single parenting, extremely short engagement and the abundant life with her husband of 31 years. She stressed the critical nature of her relationship with Jesus Christ as the focal point of her life and marriage as her husband battled cancer.  She shared scriptures and her utter dependence upon the word of God.

Seventeen folks attended the event, eleven were first time guests to a Stonecroft event.  Six copies of the gospel of John were voluntarily picked up at the close of the meeting.

It was a delightful afternoon as folks paused from their daily routines and seriously considered the person of Jesus Christ.

Friday, May 13, 2011


 PressPause p.s. 46.10 returned to the Little Lighthouse in Tulsa, OK Thursday evening May 12th, 2011.  The occasion was a dinner honoring the parents of children graduating from the school for special needs. The graduates, age 6, have all spent several years at the school receiving very specialized training, therapy, prostheses, and social skills.

PressPause volunteers included: Pam McDonnel, Patty Clay, Laura Francis, Carolyn Reiger, Sharon Braner and Cheryl Piper. 

 Marty Hight encouraged the parents by telling her story of her own daughters experience of transitioning from this very specialized school into the public school system. She encouraged them to seek God's plan for their precious children, to pray for His strength, guidance and protection as His will for them is revealed. She reminded everyone of the supernatural love, patience and faith exhibited by children with special needs.

Lighthouse President and CEO (and former Stonecroft speaker) Marcia Mitchell also encouraged the parents to pursue a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their hope and stability during this fearful time.

Thirty-four moms and dads, six volunteers and three Little Lighthouse staff  enjoyed the home cooked meal and the evening of encouragement. This was the first time these parents have ever attended a Stonecroft event.  PressPause is honored to have had  the opportunity to serve these brave and beautiful parents.

Marty Hight & Sharon Braner

Monday, April 25, 2011


It was a lovely setting for a very unlovely topic. The dark evil world of Human Trafficking and the beautiful peaceful world of a planned golfing club community met head-on Wednesday April 20, 2011.

The members of the "Ridge Readers" book club of the Forest Ridge neighborhood in Broken Arrow, OK organized the event.  They invited Stonecroft Ministries PressPause Chair Sharon Braner and  PressPause Financial Coordinator Laura Francis to the Players Grill for the presentation.  Eighteen mothers and grandmothers from the area attended. Thirteen of those women had never attended a Stonecroft event before that day.

Laura provided technical support for the Power Point presentation as Sharon explained the world of Human Trafficking.  A  Q&A time followed the pictures, stories and statistics.   Hand-outs included tips to recognize this modern day slavery, ideas for how to protect teens and children and a take home quiz for teen-age girls. 

Jesus was presented as the only way to freedom from the slavery of sin and the only One that can change hearts. Nine copies of the Gospel of John were picked up at the close of the meeting. 

The ladies shared stories and plans to take the message of help and hope back to their families, churches and sphere of influence.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Stonecroft speaker Sharon Braner and Laura Francis presented the horror of Human Trafficking via Power Point presentation to the monthly meeting of the ladies of Paradise Baptist Church of North Tulsa,OK  Saturday March 26, 2011. ( Husbands Tony Francis and Dennis Braner provided the technical  support.) Paradise Women's Ministry President Laverne Lawson graciously invited us and  hosted the event.
  Approximately 25 women participated and vowed to search for ways to alleviate the suffering caused by this billion dollar "business"  that is sweeping our land.   After a time of Q & A,  18 copies of the gospel of John were distributed.   Friendships were formed and ideas of working together on future events were discussed. We sang, we prayed and we agreed that we are "bound together in love," and  the love Jesus offers is the message we must take to a hurting world.  We exchanged contact information for follow-up and future endeavors.  Interacting with the ladies of "Paradise" was the blessing of the day!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

PressPause P.S.46.10 Goes to TOWN VILLAGE

Robyn Thompson, Activities Director
& Stonecroft Speaker Sharon Braner

Michelle Miller, Chair of Stonecroft Tulsa #1 Women's Connection invited PressPause to Town Village, a local Retirement Community located in Tulsa, OK.   Michelle has served as a friend and counselor  there for the past eight years and is presently leading a Bible Study with the support of the Activities Director.   The gathering was scheduled for Monday afternoon, January 17, 2011.

The meeting room was filled with residents, friends, and staff of this delightful Community. Several residents arrived in their electric scooters.  Thirty-four folks attended with twenty-nine counted as participating in their first ever Stonecroft Outreach Meeting.  Sharon Braner, chair of PressPause and Stonecroft speaker helped each guest realize their present attitude by identifying anger, joy, generosity, fear,  loneliness, etc,  through the concept of a signature song.  She offered suggestions with famous and funny song titles from Country Music Best's Outrageous Tunes. She told her own life's story of overcoming self-centeredness and self-pity through the gospel of Jesus Christ. HE changed her life's song from "Gloom, Despair and Agony are Me" to  "Great is They Faithfulness."

After much laughter and a few silent tears many found themselves acknowledging their need of a "new attitude" which can only be accomplished through a new life of forgiveness and joy.

Nine copies of the gospel of John were picked up at the end of the meeting.  One "young at heart" gentleman was seen riding his scooter home to his apartment while singing in a loud voice "When the Saints Go Marching In." Another  elderly guest proclaimed that her new song for the day would be "Thanks for the Memory."

 After hugs and a promise to return the volunteers of PressPause agreed that they were the ones that had been blessed by spending time with these beautiful folks.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

PressPause p.s.46.10 at The Refinery

This past weekend Tulsa OK PressPause p.s.46.10 branched out with a new venue, new audience and new Stonecroft speaker.  Saturday night Jan. 15, 2011,"The Refinery" of Tulsa  opened their doors for PressPause.  The Refinery is the "happening place"  for clothing for the under 30 crowd with a Christian Bookstore nook in the back of the store.

A local Christian band warmed hearts as the young people and a few parents arrived for the "no entry fee" gathering.

Andy Braner, author, international speaker and President of Camp Kivu of Durango, CO was the Stonecroft approved speaker for the evening.

The teenage audience consisted  of 6 girls, 9 guys, a few parents, the band,  and store employees, a total of 22 first time guests at this  Stonecroft Outreach Meeting.  Andy spoke of the state of the teenage nation and answered questions about issues teenagers face today as all enjoyed free coffee and soft drinks. The gospel was presented and following the event 10 young people joined Andy at a local coffee shop for an extended Q & A session.   It was a warm spot on a cold night to pause and consider the person of Jesus Christ.