It was a lovely setting for a very unlovely topic. The dark evil world of Human Trafficking and the beautiful peaceful world of a planned golfing club community met head-on Wednesday April 20, 2011.
The members of the "Ridge Readers" book club of the Forest Ridge neighborhood in Broken Arrow, OK organized the event. They invited Stonecroft Ministries PressPause Chair Sharon Braner and PressPause Financial Coordinator Laura Francis to the Players Grill for the presentation. Eighteen mothers and grandmothers from the area attended. Thirteen of those women had never attended a Stonecroft event before that day.
Laura provided technical support for the Power Point presentation as Sharon explained the world of Human Trafficking. A Q&A time followed the pictures, stories and statistics. Hand-outs included tips to recognize this modern day slavery, ideas for how to protect teens and children and a take home quiz for teen-age girls.
Jesus was presented as the only way to freedom from the slavery of sin and the only One that can change hearts. Nine copies of the Gospel of John were picked up at the close of the meeting.
The ladies shared stories and plans to take the message of help and hope back to their families, churches and sphere of influence.