PressPause p.s.46.10 is a pilot model of ministry of Stonecroft Ministry based in Kansas City, Mo.
(Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God.")

PressPause p.s. 46.10 exists to invite people that are gathered at their work place, gym, school, park, etc. to STOP and consider the person of Jesus Christ.

PressPause p.s.46.10 organizes events that are free to those attending so that they might be encouraged and transformed by hearing the true tale of a professional Stonecroft storyteller.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy Birthday - Tulsa OK PressPause p.s.46.10

On September 1, 2011  Tulsa OK PressPause p.s.46.10 will be ONE year old!  My, how time flies! It was one year ago that the Broken Arrow CWC birthed this baby.  Several committee members gathered on that day at the home of Joan Beavers for a baby shower/announcement/birth! It was a delightful experience and we all felt the nervous jitters new parents and grandparents often encounter. No one knew where this baby was heading, how she would grow and mature or where she would end up! Yesterday PressPause celebrated their one year anniversary with the Tulsa #2 group as they reminisced about many, many years of ministry and gathered for their last meeting  under that name.  Birthday cupcakes, balloons and party favors were shared with the ladies of all four Tulsa Stonecroft groups that attended the meeting  at the Indian Springs Country Club of Broken Arrow.  It seemed so appropriate to honor those fabulous women of past years of  Stonecroft ministry  and  celebrate this new baby at the same time.  

We've checked the baby's pluse and vital signs and are happy to report that she is up and walking!  During the past 12 months PressPause has been invited to TEN different businesses, homes,  country clubs, a school,  a retirement community, a bookstore, etc. and served over 270 people with 200 of those folks attending a Stonecroft event for the first time.  "Too many to count" copies of the Gospel of John printed in partnership through  the Pocket Testament League and Stonecroft were voluntarily picked up.  Hearts were softened as the Gospel of Jesus Christ was presented every time.  Several different Stonecroft speakers volunteered their time, voice and details of their lives.  What a great year this has been!

The PressPause calendar is filling up for this next year and we couldn't be happier about it.  New venues and partnerships are being explored.

Recently several CWC committee members have inquired about the popular topic of Human Trafficking wondering if it is appropriate for the traditional CWC meetings, so we've organized a free event for anyone that would like to preview this PowerPoint presentation in a smaller setting. (Men can come too.) If you're in the area and interested, you're welcome to PressPause from your busy life and consider how the person of Jesus Christ offers freedom for all of us....freedom from the slavery  and power of sin.  


Friday, August 12, 2011


PressPause p.s.46 took a road trip!  We (Chairman Sharon Braner and Financial Coordinator Laura Francis)  packed up our luggage, a computer, projector, screen, and cords of every kind imaginable and drove to Mansfield, TX August 10-11, 2011.  After consulting maps, two or three GPS devices, and a couple of phone calls to husbands we arrived intact.

The purpose of the trip was to present a PowerPoint Presentation on Human Trafficking to those lovely women of the Mansfield CWC.  Much more transpired!

After introductions and hugs, their lovely team informed us that this luncheon was their last.  Their club was ending their traditional monthly gatherings in that very upscale country club.  Attendance continued to slide, and finding people to fill the leadership roles were almost impossible.  Just telling the story brought tears to their eyes, they did not expect their efforts to end in this way.  THEN, they shared that they were continuing their Stonecroft Bible Studies, TEN in the area.  Over one hundred ladies from various neighborhoods were faithfully attending Bible Studies they had organized and were leading, not interested in the luncheons but VERY interested in the Word of God.  WOW!  We were so encouraged by their zeal and love for Stonecroft's mission of evangelism.

Now they plan to gather to PRAY and to seek new ways of meeting people in their community with the love of Jesus.  We were able to share with them how we had been taking Stonecroft speakers INTO the marketplace where people were already gathered, rather than inviting them to come to us.  The conversation got very exciting.  We prayed together, shared ideas and made promises to keep in touch and perhaps get together again for some brain storming and encouragement.  New friends for eternity!!!

Oh, yes, Human Trafficking was also shared.  After the pictures and shocking statistics, stories poured out of personal experiences of exploitation and  real fears for wayward children and grandchildren. Promises were made to speak up if (or when) abuse of women or children is identified. The motivated ladies vowed to keep their eyes and ears open, to closely monitor computers  in their own home, to give their daughters and granddaughters the teen-age quiz to start conversations about dating relationships,  and to talk to their husbands, sons and grandsons about the commonplace violence and disrespect toward women everywhere.

We came home confidant that those TX women are on the move.  This was not an ending for them but a brand new beginning that will take them places they never dreamed they would be.   They're moving on with a smile on their face and a zeal for the solution for all slavery from sin and bondage, the person of Jesus Christ.

Once again, we went to be a blessing and received a bigger one instead.  Isn't that the way it always works?