PressPause p.s.46.10 is a pilot model of ministry of Stonecroft Ministry based in Kansas City, Mo.
(Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God.")

PressPause p.s. 46.10 exists to invite people that are gathered at their work place, gym, school, park, etc. to STOP and consider the person of Jesus Christ.

PressPause p.s.46.10 organizes events that are free to those attending so that they might be encouraged and transformed by hearing the true tale of a professional Stonecroft storyteller.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Stonecroft Volunteer Kris Driscoll invited Stonecroft Speaker Sharon Braner to Belton, MO. October 13, 2013 to South Haven Baptist Church.

The combined adult Sunday School Classes wanted to hear more about the subject of Human Trafficking as they investigate ways they can personally be involved in combating this 32 Billion dollar a year crime that is spreading across the land. (Most all those attending had never been to a Stonecroft event.)

PressPause Chair Sharon Braner presented an hour long PowerPoint presentation covering the statistics and stories of the horrific subject.
A list of "Ten Things I Can Do Now" was distributed to the group of 75.

Statistics and stories were shared and a question and answer session revealed the commitment of the group to take the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the dark world of modern day slavery.

Prayer, volunteering at a local shelter, lobbying lawmakers, and organizing a "Freedom from the Addiction to Pornography" were all discussed and follow-up plans were made.

The gospel was presented and Jesus was praised as the only way to be free from physical bondage as well as the bondage of sin all mankind shares.  The group prayed that God would make a way of escape for those presently held, healing and rehabilitation for the rescued and that all of us would be aware and willing to notify authorities when suspicious behavior is revealed to us.

The church is engaged, seeking God's power to help men, women and children of our communities that are suffering.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Emileigh Vasquez, Sharon Braner, Laura Francis
October 8, 2013, PressPause Chair Sharon Braner and Financial Coordinator Laura Francis partnered with Holly Tumpkin and her Girls 101 After School Program.  Holly and her volunteers developed the program for 5th and 6th grade girls for selected Tulsa, OK area public schools and host it several times a year.

The fun sessions are designed to help girls at risk understand their value, develop healthy friendships, foster good relationships, inspire them to dream of a successful future and set goals.  Each session reaches 12-15 girls and sometimes their teachers participate as well.

Holly's dedicated volunteers listen to the stories of their lives, encourage, add guidance and exhibit the love of Jesus, as well as later being dedicated to praying for all the girls they meet through Girls 101. (PressPause provided the girls with a free dinner.)

It's a delightful multigenerational effort that brings a needed positive influence into the lives of young girls.