PressPause p.s.46.10 is a pilot model of ministry of Stonecroft Ministry based in Kansas City, Mo.
(Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God.")

PressPause p.s. 46.10 exists to invite people that are gathered at their work place, gym, school, park, etc. to STOP and consider the person of Jesus Christ.

PressPause p.s.46.10 organizes events that are free to those attending so that they might be encouraged and transformed by hearing the true tale of a professional Stonecroft storyteller.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Carol Anderson, Stonecroft speaker, had their attention.  Thirty moms, grandmas, siblings, volunteers and DADS attended the PressPause meeting held at the Little Lighthouse in Tulsa, OK.  December 7, 2010. The school exists to help handicapped children ages birth through six years of age.  The children attend tuition free. Their teachers, professional therapists, and volunteers celebrate every tiny miracle as little bodies grow and cope with challenges others cannot know or explain.

 Carol's son attended the school and it was there that Carol discovered the Light of the World when her boy's teacher introduced her to Jesus Christ. She shared her story of how disappointment turned to gratitude as she learned to love her son and he loved her in return.  She read scripture and clearly presented the gospel to the attentive audience.

For just an hour the dining room of the school was alive with chatter, laughter and good food.  Encouragement flowed and the Little Lighthouse Founder and CEO Marcia Mitchell was thrilled that "seeds" were planted in the hearts of parents who hunger for hope.

PressPause volunteers baked casseroles & brownies, served the beautifully decorated tables and washed dishes, giving the family members an opportunity to STOP for just an hour of their busy lives to consider the Person of Jesus Christ.

After enjoying the free luncheon guests picked up eight copies of the gospel of John and eight copies of Stonecroft's publication "A New Beginning" as they returned to face the rest of their day. PressPause p.s.46.10 is reaching into the community and lovin' every minute of it!

Pam Whitley, Sharon Braner, Elizabeth (mom of two children that attend the school) Patty Clay, Susan Hendrex,  & Laura Francis

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Ten professional movers-n-shakers gathered in my living room  November 6, 2010 to hear about the plans and purposes of  Tulsa OK PressPause to take Stonecroft speakers into the market place where people are already gathered.  New-to-Stonecroft friend, Sharita Bent, organized the day and amazed us with her lovely soprano voice.

Catherine Zollar shared the story of her rebellious young life and the redemption God gave her in the person of Jesus Christ and now her new career as author and public speaker.  Her motto, "Make 'em laugh, make 'em cry, make 'em think and change their lives" was on display!  She presented the plan of salvation desperately needed by ALL people as we laughed, cried and rejoiced with her. 

The Rhyme and Reason Series  is the name of the children's book series Catherine is developing.  She has written and published two works, Genesis and Matthew.   Her rhyming couplets and Mr. Sketches fabulous illustrations tell the tale of beginnings.  The  juvenile nonfiction stories of Genesis and Matthew come alive as they are read aloud to children and adults alike.  Her goal is for her books to be the impetus of getting THE BOOK into the hands of everyone who reads them. She has  presented other manuscripts to her publisher and ideas of more to come. Catherine can be contacted at

                      "The hope in her heart is to show everyone....That reading God's Word can be lots of fun."

Ten women are now dreaming of places where people are already gathered that could also be encouraged by a Stonecroft speaker such as Catherine Zoller.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Road Trip to Topeka, Kansas

On October 8, 2010 I had the wonderful privilege of explaining PressPause p.s.46.10 to a lovely group of women in Topeka, KN.
That group is very involved in Stonecroft Ministries and  joyfully serving the Lord in their positions there.  They were very encouraging and excited to hear that new ideas and methods of ministry are possible. PressPause values their prayers and their friendship.

Pam Whitley's Story - THE LITTLE LIGHTHOUSE, Sept. 21, 2010

As a girl, I daydreamed of marriage and children. By the time I was twenty-two, I was living that dream.  Then tragedy struck.  Our second child, Jan, was born with a life threatening congenital heart defect.  An attempt at surgery left her with severe brain damage and by the time she was ten days old she lay in a coma. The doctors asked us to sign papers to take her off life support. They felt there was no brain activity.  With such a hard decision to make, we went to the chapel at the hospital to pray.  I knelt and questioned silently, "God where are you?  Do you know my baby is dying?  Do you care?"

From the back of the room, a friend began to read from Psalm 139.  For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.  My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me.

And I knew God was speaking to me.  Nothing that had occurred had blindsided Him.  His Peace enveloped us and we knew regardless, it would be okay.  We weren't asked to sign those papers because Jan came out of the coma.
We brought her home about a month later.  She no longer had a sucking reflex, she had horrendous seizures, and her brain thermostat was damaged.  That meant if she cried too much, she'd spike 105 or 106 fever.  The days and nights seemed endless.

One night at about 2 a.m. as I swayed Jan under the spotlight that was over my fireplace, I sobbed and railed at God,  "Why did this happen to my child"  Why did it happen to our lives? Why, why, why, God?'

Suddenly, I saw Jesus on the Cross with the blood dripping from His head and from His hands and feet and I heard in my heart, "Is the servant greater than the one he serves?"

Reality set in-the Son of God had chosen to come and die on a cross for me.  Here I was crying because I thought I deserved better.  Oh, my!

"Lord, forgive me," and my heart said why not me?

Weeks went by and we were sent to a pediatric Neurologist.  Jan's seizures were uncontrollable so I hung much of my hope on that visit.  On the appointed day, I was stunned when this expert treated Jan like a sack of potatoes and said, "mom, this child will never smile or respond in anyway.  She'll never walk or talk or count to ten. She's profoundly brain damaged.  You need to place her somewhere and get on with your life."

I left the office totally devastated.  Without realizing it, I let his negative words rob me of my hope.  Though I kept going through the motions of living, my faith and joy were gone but God didn't let me set up residence there for long.  He got my attention one morning as I read a devotional, ""Resignation to My will is a great barrier than unbelief."


"Resignation to My will is a greater barrier than unbelief."  As I pondered the words, I realized that's what I'd done.  I'd resigned myself to our situation (my lot in life).  In essence, I wasn't trusting that good could come out of it and in doing so, I'd lost my hope.  Where there is no hope, there is no faith.  I'd been walking in self-pity. I once again asked God to forgive me and began to walk in faith, expecting Him to work in miraculous ways in our lives, expecting Him to work this very thing to our good.

Soon we heard about a program in Philadelphia, PA.  We applied and by the time Jan was thirteen months old, we began to put the program into effect.  Over a period of two years, we had one hundred and twenty volunteers help us make all the normal things that Jan should be doing happen.  We crawled for her and helped her see and feel her world and at the end of those two years, Jan's delightful little personality had unfolded miraculously.  Though she never walked or talked, she loved life and had a ministry of love to everyone she met.

Many years have come and gone and life has taken many unexpected turns since those long ago days, including a diagnosis of cancer that rocked our world.  In all the years that we fought to keep Jan alive, it never crossed my mind that she'd outlive either of us-but she did.
When Jan was twenty-four , she was hospitalized for fifty days and came out of the hospital on Hospice  Two months later, my sweet husband found a knot under his arm. By the next fall Jan and Mike both were on Hospice.

Mike faced his challenge with great courage as we both clung to Psalm 139 once again.  Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me.  He told me he was ready to go but the thing he regretted most was that I would have to bury Jan alone.  I answered with, "Mike, if that occurs when Jan dies, I'll know you get to see her walk and talk first."

Jan lived three more years after her daddy died.  On an icy February night, at the age of twenty-eight she drew her last breath and in my minds eye, I saw her running with great joy into her Daddy's arms.

Yes, life has taken many unexpected turns but my Father has walked beside me all the way and one day, I'll run into the arms of my Father too, AND I'll see Jan whole and healed.  I can't wait.

Friday, October 1, 2010


The Chicken Casseroles were a BIG hit...

3 cups of raw macaroni
2 cans of cr. of chicken OR cr. of mushroom soup
1 small onion, diced
3 cans of chicken, drained (13 oz or so)
1 lb. Velveeta Cheese, cubed
2 cups milk
2 boiled eggs, chopped

Stir until everything is moist, cover with foil and refrigerate OVERNIGHT.   Next day remove the foil and bake for 45 min. at 350.

Why only 2  boiled eggs?  Probably because that is all the farmers wife had on hand when this recipe was concocted.
Given to us by the sweet ladies of Liter Baptist Church, Literberry, Illinois.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Little Lighthouse, Tulsa OK

September 21, 2010

The moms started streaming in about 11:15 and Tulsa OK PressPause  Stonecroft Pilot Model of Ministry was READY!  Ready with homemade chicken casseroles and the trimmings.  They came in pairs and they came alone.  They did not know each other when they arrived but obviously made friends with their table mates during the luncheon.  The setting was lovely, the dining room and kitchen of the Little Lighthouse, the Tulsa school for disabled children ages 0-6, was full of activity. Five PressPause volunteers donned aprons and got to work.

While their severely handicapped children were in their very specialized classes learning to smile, to talk, to hug, to walk...these moms had a few minutes with grown-ups...grown-ups that shared that very difficult heartache.

38 plates of food were served, 33 of those attending were "first time" guests of a Stonecroft event.  Pam Whitley, Stonecroft speaker from Owasso, OK, told her story of her beautiful daughter Jan, who was declared severely brain damaged and who lived to be an adult and of the untimely death of her husband with cancer.  Pam smilingly shared of the peace and comfort she discovered during Jan's life and Mike's death, peace that could only come from God.

The gospel was presented and 15 copies of the gospel of John were picked up. There were a few tears, but many more smiles. Several ladies came to me personally to thank PressPause for coming, that they felt that this day, this speaker, this outpouring of love was meant for them alone.  One mom stated, "today I have a mentor in Pam Whitley."

Little Lighthouse Pres/CEO Marcia Mitchell wants us to come back quarterly, for other moms that need to hear the gospel story and get encouragement from a Stonecroft storyteller.  Marcia's words, "this was wildly successful."

Teachers and volunteers streamed in AFTER the luncheon to be surprised with offers of leftovers.  All were very thankful for the mid-day treat.  They are such gifted compassionate folks that work miracles for those precious children.

It was a privilege to serve those beautiful people today. The five of us that served are deeply, deeply humbled and grateful  for the opportunity.  One remarked, "there is no place I'd rather be today than right here."

I'm processing the day, the words I heard and the faces of those women.