PressPause p.s.46.10 is a pilot model of ministry of Stonecroft Ministry based in Kansas City, Mo.
(Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God.")

PressPause p.s. 46.10 exists to invite people that are gathered at their work place, gym, school, park, etc. to STOP and consider the person of Jesus Christ.

PressPause p.s.46.10 organizes events that are free to those attending so that they might be encouraged and transformed by hearing the true tale of a professional Stonecroft storyteller.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Ten professional movers-n-shakers gathered in my living room  November 6, 2010 to hear about the plans and purposes of  Tulsa OK PressPause to take Stonecroft speakers into the market place where people are already gathered.  New-to-Stonecroft friend, Sharita Bent, organized the day and amazed us with her lovely soprano voice.

Catherine Zollar shared the story of her rebellious young life and the redemption God gave her in the person of Jesus Christ and now her new career as author and public speaker.  Her motto, "Make 'em laugh, make 'em cry, make 'em think and change their lives" was on display!  She presented the plan of salvation desperately needed by ALL people as we laughed, cried and rejoiced with her. 

The Rhyme and Reason Series  is the name of the children's book series Catherine is developing.  She has written and published two works, Genesis and Matthew.   Her rhyming couplets and Mr. Sketches fabulous illustrations tell the tale of beginnings.  The  juvenile nonfiction stories of Genesis and Matthew come alive as they are read aloud to children and adults alike.  Her goal is for her books to be the impetus of getting THE BOOK into the hands of everyone who reads them. She has  presented other manuscripts to her publisher and ideas of more to come. Catherine can be contacted at

                      "The hope in her heart is to show everyone....That reading God's Word can be lots of fun."

Ten women are now dreaming of places where people are already gathered that could also be encouraged by a Stonecroft speaker such as Catherine Zoller.